Why do younger generation tend to rebel against their parents?
These days I've been seeing kids who are younger than me fight against their parents. It shocks me that they've resorted to physical means. Sometimes they do engage in a physical fight or simply run away from home. Most kids do run away from home after punishment or simple 'discipline' from the parents. This week I have also been informed that there will be additional rules to the house and every time we break these rules, there will be punishment. Let the headache begin.
I have come up with a conclusion to why kids run away from home. The parents don't understand what they're feeling. Most kids are very selfish, and only think for themselves and not for other people. That's why they don't understand why their parents are punishing them, or how their parents feel when punishing them. Parents on the other hand, don't think the same way their kids do. They do what they thin is right for the sake of their child's discipline, responsibility and health development. But sometimes in a child's point of view, the parents are pushing them too far to the wall.
Growing teenagers also have a hard time understanding their parents. Teens around my age would feel very moody and with a bossy or naggy parent around, things could get worse. They want their parents to know what they feel. The problem is that they don't rely on delivering that message verbally. They want their parents to be observant of their behavior and changes in actions and certain habits. For example, a sixteen year old girl came home from a stressful day at school. She forgot her project in science at home and didn't review for a quiz that day. If that girl comes home to find her parents arguing, she'll most likely go into her room and cry. If that girl comes to find her parents immediately bossing her around to do the chores, she'll feel restless and most probably snap at someone since she's in a bad mood. If she comes home to find her parents more interested about her grades or performance in school, she'll feel neglected, stressed and used as a tool, especially if her parents own a big company or has high expectations from her.
Children who are twelve and below will tend to act the same way. But most children won't act the same way when it comes to punishments. Spoiled children will throw a tantrum if they don't get what they want. Quiet children will most likely cry but nothing too rowdy. Sporty/ Energetic children will get mad and would throw anger issues. Any reactions depending on the child's personality will result in another output. Children who run away are most likely those who are sad inside. Whether they're being bullied at school, has family problems or even just plain misunderstood are most likely the type of children who would run away. Kids run away from their problems, from reality, from anything they find unpleasant. They want to live in a paradise, live a happily ever after.
Now we all know the pain and hardships there are in life. And these people, teens and kids, are just passing through, what they think is, the hardest part of their life. The adults should know this and guide their children accordingly. Most of the time there's a misunderstanding within the family which can cause a child to rebel, be forever traumatized or change his entire point of view of humanity. Children are easier to mold than teenagers. Teens have their personality developed well. They just need to be understood. What teens and kids these days don't know what their parents have gone through to make them discipline like that. Everyone has a story to tell and secrets to keep. Their stories are the things that have made the this way so far and if we don't share it with one another, no one will understand each other.
To conclude here's a song from vocaloid featuring: 'Child Abuse' sung by: Miku Hatsune the title is: "Useless Child"
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