Lost All Hope In Humanity
I'm a person who doesn't particularly like teamwork. Sure I'm fine working with other people but if that thing can be done by a single person I'd rather much do it myself. I can't really say that I'm leader material because I haven't experienced being a leader. Ever. In all my school life, I've never been leader of anything. Not that I'm complaining though, all the work is loaded onto the leader so I'd rather not get that extra luggage on my back. There have been several occurrences at school where I find teamwork not unnecessary but rather, gone.I was fine with group work since second grade. Go pair me up with someone I barely know? Sure. Pair me up with the tardiest person in class? Sure. Group me with a bunch of whores in class? Sure. As long as I'm informed of the activity and what I should do, that's all fine. But if you don't inform me and blame me that I wasn't cooperating, then that's your fault for not informing me on what to do. I'm like a robot. As long as I'm not on, I won't move. As long as orders aren't given, I won't move. I won't do anything unless someone within the group told me to do.
Grade seven. A despicable first year of high school life. I was grouped with XXX, my best friend. XXX and I did everything together. We ate together, we talked about anime everyday, she was by my side when I was sick. She's a real friend. Until that project then we saw each other's true colors... We were supposed to go to XXX's house that Saturday. I didn't know if the plan was cancelled or not. I kept chatting and messaging. No one answered. No one replied. So I thought that the visit to XXX's house was postponed.
Monday came and I immediately went to ask XXX about what happened. "You weren't there. You're the only one who wasn't there." "Why didn't anyone tell me? No one answered if the plan was cancelled" "Well you weren't online" That's complete BS. You can message someone even if they're not online. It will be sent anyway. I wanted to forgive her and try to reason with the teacher. But it seemed that the teacher was also a lost case. Our teacher had no idea what to do. Uhmm, give me a second chance? let our group redo the recording? NOTHING. I FAILED BECAUSE OF THAT AND THEY SAY THAT IT'S MY FAULT FOR NOT BEING ONLINE? COMPLETE BS.
Being friends and my grades are something completely different. If you're my friend that's fine you're cool. I like you and you're awesome to me. But if you're going to mess with my academic grades, I will slit your throat. I won't hesitate to do those things on my own. I will do those things all by myself. That event has traumatized me. My way of thinking is not all for one. One is for one and one only. I would hate it if another event happened like that again. Oh wait, it did.
Eighth Grade. Quite an emotional year. We were baking for Home economics. When two of our group mates, mainly both my best friends in my group decided to mess around with the ingredients. They added two extra teaspoon of sugar to the mixture. I could forgive them for that, I asked them why they did that. And until today I'm still mad at their reply: "So what?" It infuriates me. That kind of reply makes me want to slap the smug looks out of their faces. I hateo it when they think of everything as a joke. My future is not a joke to you. Oh how I wish that this would be the last time this will occur. Wrong again...
Ninth grade. Just quite recently might I add. It was reporting in another subject. It just so happened to be the subject with one of our most strict teachers. "Everyone within the group must know the contents of your XXX". I never said anything that day. What would I say? The questions were in tagalog. We have to report in english. I just wanted to strangle the leader that day. I wasn't informed of what to do. They didn't give me anything to do until the final part of our XXX. Which was only the tables and graphs. I just colored it and traced it. What did I learn from there? NOTHING. AND THEE LEADER WAS PRETENDING THAT I WAS INVISIBLE THAT WHOLE DAY. I GLARED AT HIM EVERY TIME HE ENTERED MY LINE OF SIGHT. HOW UNFEELING COULD HE GET?
I've lost all hope for humanity. For teamwork. For information. I've given up, just like that. If there's more to come like this, I'd rather do all the work myself. at least I would have a grade of my own and won't hinder the entire group.
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